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  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    40 minutes

    This general safety awareness training is intended to provide a general overview of various areas of safety and safe work practices. This training does not replace job specific safety function training nor in-depth training on certain topics. Please refer to your employer for such details and additional training.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    1 EEC

    The Recharge of Portable Fire Extinguisher program provides NFPA-10 compliant instructions on the safe and correct recharge techniques and procedures for dry stored pressure dry chemical, various stored pressure clean agent, water type extinguishers and an overview of CO2 refilling.  Always read, understand and follow the manufacturer's recharge manual.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    30 minutes

    This general awareness training is intended to provide an overview and introduction to portable fire extinguishers. The majority of users of this program will be new technicians. This program is not intended to provide detailed servicing information nor should it replace hands-on training provided by those skilled in the industry.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    17 minutes, 1 EEC

    This training program is intended to provide a general overview of inspection, maintenance, and recharging procedures for wheeled dry chemical fire extinguishers. Please refer to the specific manufacturer's manuals for detailed procedures. This online program is a practical training program that must be supplemented with actual hands-on training provided by the service company.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    40 minutes, 1 EEC

    This training program will cover the basics of inspection and maintenance procedures for stored pressure and CO2 fire extinguishers as well as additional information. NFPA 10 requires that all procedures follow the manufacturer's service manual. Please refer to the specific manufacturer's manuals for detailed procedures. This online program is a practical training program that must be supplemented with actual hands-on training provided by the service company.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    20 minutes, 1 EEC

    This training program is intended to provide a general overview of inspection, maintenance, and recharging procedures for cartridge operated fire extinguishers. Please refer to the specific manufacturer's manuals for detailed procedures. This online program is a practical training program that must be supplemented with actual hands-on training provided by the service company.
